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Henry Moore Studios & Gardens reopens on 16 April with Encounters, a season of stories and events.

Our galleries at Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, are closed while we install new exhibitions. Join us on Thursday 3 April for the opening night.

What We Do

Image Licensing

The Henry Moore Archive contains an extensive record of Moore’s life and work.  We have photographic records of almost every one of his artworks and exhibitions, as well as thousands of photographs of Moore himself.

Images are available for research or to license for publication.

A black and white photo of Henry Moore, who is sitting behind his own Leica camera on a tripod as if taking a shot.

Search Henry Moore’s art

Our online catalogue contains details of over 13,000 sculptures, drawings, tapestries, textiles and graphic works by Henry Moore.

Licensing and Reproduction

The Henry Moore Foundation owns Henry Moore’s copyright. Except for a small number of drawings produced on commission for the War Artists’ Advisory Committee during the Second World War, which are now out of copyright, any reproduction of one of Moore’s artworks requires the Foundation’s permission, regardless of who owns the artwork.

Henry Moore gives an interview for a German television programe, with 'Reclining Figure' 1969-70 (LH 608) visible behind him. Photo: Königer.

Digital Reproductions

We work in partnership with the Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS) for all digital requests including film, television and online use.

For digital image use, please contact DACS via their website.

Print Reproductions

The Henry Moore Foundation licenses printed reproductions of Henry Moore’s works directly.

If you are interested in reproducing an image of Moore or his artwork for a printed publication, please fill out the image licensing form below.