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Henry Moore Studios & Gardens reopens on 16 April with Encounters, a season of stories and events.

Discover & Research

Art Encounters: Portable Sculpture

This series of Art Encounters explores the group exhibition Portable Sculpture, which features artwork that can be packed down, folded up or which was made on the move.

These free resources are aimed at pupils aged 10-16 years, but can be adapted for older and younger learners.


This video introduces the Portable Sculpture exhibition and the themes it explores.

We recommend watching this first, before diving into the following episodes.

Download teacher guide (PDF)

Episode 1: Places and Spaces

Explore three artworks that are inspired by places and spaces, and our relationships with them.

This episode introduces work by Do Ho Suh, Mohamad Hafez and Liz Ensz.

Download resources to make a totemic sculpture inspired by Louise Bourgeois (PDF)

Episode 2: People, Communities and Cultures

Discover three artworks which were inspired by people, or the artist’s heritage and culture.

This episode introduces work by Romuald Hazoumè, Veronica Ryan and Louise Bourgeois.

Download instructions for making an inflatable sculpture (PDF)

Episode 3: The Art of the Flatpack

Meet artist James Ackerley, who tells us more about his sculptures and the process of making them.

In this episode we also encounter an inflatable sculpture called Clown (Laughing Stock) by Claire Ashley.

Download Magic Grid Puzzles resources (PDF)

Find out more about the exhibition

About Art Encounters

Art Encounters is a new series of free short films for schools with accompanying resources, created in partnership with our neighbours at Leeds Art Gallery.

Art Encounters supports teachers and learners to discover artworks and artists in our exhibitions and displays. They invite viewers to discuss first responses to artworks, learn about the artist and their inspirations, and conclude with a creative challenge that can be used as part of a programme of study, or as a stand-alone activity undertaken in school or at home.

Art Encounters will be a growing series of resources that introduce teachers and learners to diverse art practices and lesser known artists, providing rich, localised, curated content for art teaching. We are keen to gain feedback from teachers to improve our resources, so please feel free to contact us to share your thoughts and suggestions.

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