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Henry Moore Studios & Gardens reopens on 16 April with Encounters, a season of stories and events.

Discover & Research

Dissertation Prize

Each year we award two prizes for extended pieces of writing on contemporary, modern or historical sculpture.

About the prize

At the Institute we understand the study of sculpture encompasses a wide range of approaches, mediums, disciplines and theories.

We are open to receiving submissions relating to sculpture in the broadest possible sense.

Submissions should have a strong focus on secondary and primary sources, and on original research, including archival, biographical, oral historical, and practice-led research.

Dissertation prize details

BA dissertation: £250 cash prize
MA dissertation: £250 cash prize

In addition, both prize winners will receive:

  • Henry Moore Institute selected publications to the cover price value of £50
  • Copies of dissertations added to the Henry Moore Institute Research Library
  • Publication of dissertation abstracts on the Henry Moore Institute website


This prize is for a dissertation, submitted within the past academic year at a UK university. It is open to BA and MA students of all disciplines.

Dissertations should not have previously been published or be in publication.

Applicants should include a letter from their academic organisation to indicate their course and place of study as well as a letter of support from an academic tutor or supervisor.

Frequently asked questions

Why do you need a letter from my academic institution?

It’s important that you are able to demonstrate that you have been registered at a UK higher education institution during the previous academic year, and that the work you have submitted for the prize was written during a course of academic study at either BA or MA level.

What should the supporting letter from my supervisor say?

Ideally, the letter should support your submission by briefly explaining why your dissertation is being nominated and why it should be considered for the prize, what grade it achieved, and a summary of your supervisor’s assessment of the work.

Can my supervisor submit the letter of support separately?

Yes, your supervisor can email us directly with their letter at

Please make sure that they include your name and the words ‘Dissertation Prize’ in their email header.

My dissertation isn’t about sculpture. Can I still submit it?

Unfortunately not. We will only consider dissertations relating directly to sculpture for the dissertation prize.

If you have any questions about the eligibility of your submission, please contact

What do you consider to be sculpture?

We take a very broad definition of ‘sculpture’ – this could include time-based artworks, performance, textiles and other media that are ‘sculptural’ in nature.

We also consider dissertations about sculptural subjects from all historical periods and from any academic discipline.

I live outside the UK, can I still submit my dissertation?

Yes, as long as your dissertation was submitted to a university within the UK.

Unfortunately we are unable to accept submissions for dissertations submitted to institutions outside the UK.

How to apply

Submissions have now closed for the 2024 Dissertation Prize.

Applications for our 2025 Prize will open in autumn.

You can apply on this page when our next round of submissions opens.