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Henry Moore Studios & Gardens in Hertfordshire is currently closed for winter, reopening in April 2025.

Inspiration, Sculpture and Our Natural World

Inspiration, Sculpture and Our Natural World

“Sculpture is an art of the open air. Daylight, sunlight, is necessary to it, and for me its best setting and complement is nature.”

Henry Moore

Join us for a season of events inspired by the relationship between sculpture and the natural world.

A photo of Henry Moore's huge bronze sculpture 'Large Reclining Figure' with the sun setting behind it

Nature was always at the centre of Henry Moore’s work. He preferred to work outdoors and saw the landscape as the ideal setting for his work.

“The observation of nature is part of an artist’s life, it enlarges his form-knowledge, keeps him fresh and from working only by formula, and feeds inspiration.

“The human figure is what interests me most deeply, but I have found principles of form and rhythm from the study of natural objects such as pebbles, rocks, bones, trees, plants etc.

“There is, in Nature a limitless variety of shapes and rhythms (and the telescope and microscope have enlarged the field) from which the sculptor can enlarge his form-knowledge experience.”

Henry Moore, 1934

Our 2024 events draw inspiration from Moore’s lifelong fascination with natural forms and his constant aspiration to forge a stronger connection between his art and natural surroundings.

Join us for workshops, film screenings, artist’s talks and archive events, which will illuminate Moore’s exploration of nature as a vital force.

A black and white photo showing an older man, wearing a hat and coat. He is standing in a field, leaning on a walking stick and looking up at a huge sculpture which is sited next to him. The sculpture has two abstract shapes which resemble a sheep and a lamb.
Henry Moore with 'Sheep Piece' 1971-72, in the fields at Perry Green, 1977. Photo: Errol Jackson.

Tickets & booking

Many of the events in our 2024 season are included in an annual ticket to Henry Moore Studios & Gardens. Each event listing will specify whether you need to book a place or whether you can drop-in during the session. You can buy an annual ticket at the ticket desk, or book online.

Annual tickets

Visit Studios & Gardens as many times as you like during our open season. Each ticket is valid for 12 calendar months.

Adults:  £19.50
Students: £11.00
Children (5-18):  £9.00
Under 5s: FREE

Pension / Universal Credit: £1.00
Pensioner: £17.50
Family (1 adult and 3 children): £32.00
Family (2 adults and 3 children): £49.00

Support our work, at no extra cost, by adding Gift Aid when you buy your ticket.

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