Online events FAQs
We’re here for technical help, to ensure you can access our online events as easily as possible.

Booking for live events
How do I register for a live event?
We use Zoom to manage bookings for our live events.
On the webpage of the event you want to attend, click or tap the button that says ‘Register for this event’. This will open a new tab in Zoom.
On the Zoom page, fill in your details: First name, Surname, and Email address. Once you have filled in these details, click or tap ‘Register’ and you’re done!
If your booking has been successful, you will see a confirmation screen with details of the event and a link to the Webinar. You will also receive a confirmation email sent to the address you provided.
The email will come from HMI Research Events (, and occasionally may be flagged as junk or spam by your email provider. If you haven’t received a confirmation email after a few minutes, please check your junk or spam folder.
You do not need to book to attend our YouTube Premieres.
I didn’t receive a confirmation email
Try checking your junk or spam folder. Confirmation emails are sent from an automated address, and occasionally may be flagged as junk or spam by your email provider. Sometimes, it can take a few minutes for your confirmation email to come through.
If you still haven’t received your confirmation email, please contact us:
Live discussions
How do I access the live discussion events?
Once you have registered for an event, you will be sent a confirmation email from Zoom, as well as reminder emails closer to the date of the event.
These emails will contain instructions on how to access the event. As well as a direct ‘Click Here to Join’ link that will take you directly to the Webinar, there are options to add the event to your digital calendar. If you choose to do this, you will be able to access the Webinar from a link in your calendar as well.
Do I need Zoom?
Yes, our live discussion events take place on Zoom. You will need to have Zoom installed on your device to be able to join.
Zoom is a free app, and can be downloaded from the Google Play store on Android, or the App store on iPhones.
You can see all the option for downloading Zoom on their website:
For more information on how to use Zoom, please see the Zoom Help Center:
Do I need a webcam?
No, you do not need to have a camera or microphone to be able to join our live discussions.
Will I be visible to other people during the event? Will others be able to hear me?
No. Your camera will be turned off and your microphone muted by default on entering the Zoom webinar, so you do not need to worry about doing this.
If you accidentally turn your camera or microphone on during the event, it will be automatically blocked, and so will not be broadcast to anyone else.
Time zones
All event times are displayed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
If you are attending from a different time zone, make sure to check what this works out to in your local time.
Are there subtitles or captions for live events?
Yes, Zoom provides auto-captioning for live events.
Zoom’s auto-captioning isn’t perfect, and sometimes struggles with strong accents or unfamiliar words (such as people or place names originating from other languages). If you are having problems understanding Zoom’s auto-captioning, please message us in the chat and we will endeavour to provide a more accurate transcript.
Our live discussion events are recorded, and will be made available on our website at a later date. These recordings will have full subtitles.
All of our pre-recorded video content has full subtitles.
How do I ask a question?
Questions for our speakers can be submitted in three ways:
- You can email a question in advance:
- Reach us on Twitter: @HMILeeds
- Ask questions during the event by using the Chat function on Zoom
Will the live event be recorded?
Yes, we record all our live discussion events.
Only the speakers’ video and audio will be recorded. We do not record any video or audio of attendees.
Many of these events will be available to watch on our website and YouTube account in due course. These recordings will have full subtitles.
Due to copyright restrictions, recordings of some of our events are not available in this way. You can access these videos in person in the audio-visual room of the Sculpture Research Library in Leeds.
Problems accessing a live event
If you’ve found out about an event late and can’t register, or are having difficulties getting in, please contact us:
YouTube Premieres
What is YouTube Premiere?
Think of it as being like a viewing party or film screening – the film is pre-recorded, but we’re all watching together at the same time.
Our speakers aren’t always able to present live, due to time zone differences or other commitments. By holding a Premiere, we can keep something of the atmosphere of a live event.
Do I need to book, or sign in?
No booking is necessary for our YouTube Premieres. You do not need a Google account in order to watch.
Can I watch the Premiere on the event page?
Yes, the YouTube Premiere will be embedded on the event page, so you can watch from within our website.
A few days before the Premiere is due to begin, you’ll start to see a YouTube player at the top of the event page. While you won’t be able to watch until the Premiere starts, it will show you a countdown timer and allow you to set a reminder from within YouTube.
Can I watch the Premiere on YouTube?
Yes, the YouTube Premiere will be publicly available on our YouTube channel.
A few days before the Premiere is due to begin, you’ll start to see the video showing up on our YouTube Channel, clearly marked with its scheduled release date. While you won’t be able to watch until the Premiere starts, it will show you a countdown timer and allow you to set a reminder from within YouTube.
Can I still watch the videos after the Premiere has finished?
Yes, these videos will continue to be available on our website and our YouTube Channel, even after the live discussion has happened.
Some of our videos will be followed up by live discussion events – for example, an artist’s pre-recorded talk might be followed by a live discussion between the artist and a curator the next week. In these cases we would recommend watching the video before the live event.