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Henry Moore Studios & Gardens reopens on 16 April with Encounters, a season of stories and events.

Our galleries at Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, are closed while we install new exhibitions. Join us on Thursday 3 April for the opening night.

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Visual Arts Programme by Bold Tendencies, London
£10,000 awarded

Showcasing acclaimed international practices alongside leading voices in contemporary art, with new sculptural commissions by Saelia Aparicio, Adam Farah-Saad, Olu Ogunnaike, Yoko Ono and Martin Parr.

Hundreds of people attending an outdoor display of sculpture on a concrete rooftop space.

About the programme

What does communion look and feel like in the 21st century? To answer this question, Bold Tendencies commissioned new work by international contemporary artists  Saelia Aparicio, Adam Farah-Saad, Olu Ogunnaike, Yoko Ono and Martin Parr.

For Aparicio, Farah-Saad and Ogunnaike, this represented the first significant public commission of their work – and has since been cited by each of them as a major step-change in the platform they command as an emerging artist and their ambition for future projects.

Together, the artists examined overlapping histories of belonging, public space, decay and renewal – from the relationship between the body, architecture and ‘invasive’ species of flora to heartfelt meditations on coming-of-age intimacy and love, through to the medium of wood as a repository for both personal and collective memory.

Exploring how the ways in which we come together – and often fail to do so – is central to understanding the emergencies we live in today. As part of programme, Bold Tendencies organised ‘Ask the Artist’ creative learning sessions with Aparicio, Farah-Saad, Ogunnaike and Parr, creating an intimate space for critical thinking, community and exchange.

COMMUNION ran from 17 May to 14 September 2024 at Bold Tendencies, London. Find out more at

A group of people stand around a tour guide looking at a square board with a poem on it. The poem reads:
Visitors by Yoko Ono's 'AIR TALK' 1973. Image courtesy Bold Tendencies.

About Bold Tendencies

Bold Tendencies is a not-for-profit arts organisation. Established in the rooftop spaces of Peckham Multi-Storey Car Park, they have transformed a disused building in the heart of South London into an iconic, much-loved place of culture and assembly.

Bold Tendencies works with artists at all stages of their careers, and have commissioned 138 new works by 125 artists to date. For many, Bold Tendencies offers the first significant public commission of their work. They are recognised as a leading commissioner of early-career UK-based visual artists and ambitious public sculpture in the city.