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When Forms Come Alive: Sixty Years of Restless Sculpture

Exhibition at Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre
£8,000 awarded

Spanning over sixty years of contemporary sculpture, this exhibition highlighted ways in which artists draw on familiar experiences of movement, flux and organic growth.

About the exhibition

Inspired by sources ranging from a dancer’s gesture to the breaking of a wave, from a flow of molten metal to the interlacing of a spider’s web, the artworks in When Forms Come Alive conjured fluid and shifting realms of experience.

The forms that oozed, undulated, erupted and sprawled across the exhibition space invited open-mindedness from visitors and, in return, offered endless opportunities for surprise and intrigue.

In an era when our encounters are increasingly digitised and disembodied, these artworks called to mind the pleasures of gesture and movement, the poetics of gravity and the experience of sensation itself.

Installation view of Franz West in 'When Forms Come Alive' at Hayward Gallery, Southbank Centre. Courtesy the Hayward Gallery. Photo: Jo Underhill.

Video courtesy Southbank Centre.