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Henry Moore Studios & Gardens in Hertfordshire is currently closed for winter, reopening in April 2025.

What We Do

Touring exhibitions and loans

The Henry Moore Foundation was created by the artist and his family in 1977 to encourage public appreciation of the visual arts and to preserve his legacy.

Today, we support innovative sculpture projects and devise rigorous and imaginative programmes of exhibitions worldwide.

A large, arch-shaped sculpture by Henry Moore, displayed on the grounds outside some traditional English country buildings. The arch's shape and chalk-white colour gives the impression of bones.

Henry Moore loans and exhibitions

Work in partnership with us to develop new exhibitions, or talk to us about taking an existing exhibition on tour.

Image licensing

We have photographic records of Moore’s life and work, including nearly all of his artworks and exhibitions, as well as thousands of photographs of Moore himself. Images are available for research or to license for publication.

Find out more about image licensing

Exhibitions at the Henry Moore Institute, Leeds

The Henry Moore Institute in Leeds presents an ever changing array of exhibitions on historical, modern and contemporary sculpture.

Get in touch at the address below if you are interesting in touring one of our exhibitions to your gallery.

Please note, the Institute does not have its own collection. Our exhibitions are comprised of loans from other galleries, which can make touring logistically challenging at times.


See current and upcoming exhibitions at the Institute

Get in touch

If you’d like to discuss working with us on an exhibition, or just have questions, we’d love to hear from you.

Please contact Sebastiano Barassi, Head of Henry Moore Collections & Programmes: