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Discover & Research

Research fellows 2003

Each year our fellowship programme enables artists and researchers to develop their work.

In 2003 our visiting fellows included Simon Baker, Andrea M. Gáldy, Aura Satz, Emma Stirrup, Susanne Deicher, Irena Kossowska, Joanne Lukitsh, Jaki Irvine and Ron Brown.

Simon Baker

University College London

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Involuntary Monuments: Surrealism and The French Revolution

Andrea M. Gáldy

University of Manchester

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Collecting and Display at two European Courts: the Presentation of Sculpture in Sixteenth-century Florence and Dresden

Dr Andrea M. Gáldy’s research interests include the display of non-sculptural objects as sculpture; armouries; the display of sculpture as a claim of Dynastic Ambition; the history of collections of antiquities in connection with the early history of archaeology; and the history of display.

Aura Satz

Slade School of Fine Art, London

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Off the Pedestal, On the Stage: Relation Between Sculpture Object/Theatrical Prop

Emma Stirrup

University of Oxford

Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship

Virginity in Sculpture: Saintly Effigies and the Cult of Relics in Early Modern Italy

Susanne Deicher

Wismar Fachhochschule für Technik, Wirtschaft & Gestaltung

Research Fellowship

Re-examining Ernst Barlach’s Influences

Susanne Deicher sought to deepen her understanding of Barlach by placing him in a broader context and by catching up on recent sculpture studies, both by reading new publications and by meeting relevant scholars.

Irena Kossowska

Polish Academy of Science

Research Fellowship

Eric Gill: Sculpture and Graphic Work

Irena Kossowska’s research on Eric Gill followed on from a broader study of the diverse modes of realism developed in the 1920s and 30s, as part of a book on Polish realism.

Using material in the archive and library, she particularly focused on Gill’s traditionalism and stylisation, both based in medieval art and reflective of modern concerns.

Joanne Lukitsh

Massachusetts College of Art

Research Fellowship

The Studio Photographs of Thomas Woolner

Using the archive of pre-Raphaelite sculptor Thomas Woolner, Joanne Lukitsh examined the role of photography in the representation of sculpture.

Her research, presented in the form of an essay and a small exhibition at the Henry Moore Institute, reveals Woolner’s creative intervention in debates about the printed image.

Jaki Irvine and Ron Brown

Artist, Dublin | Leeds Metropolitan University

Research Fellowship

The Meaning and Significance of Archives

Jaki Irvine met Ron Brown on an earlier stay in Leeds, and they made a joint application to use the Institute’s archives. Their fellowship aimed to develop recent artistic re-interpretations of archives by looking at connections between different materials in the Institute, and Brown was interested to see how an artist such as Irvine used an archive.

Irvine’s research formed a group of new work – largely films, but also photographs – some of which were shown at the Henry Moore Institute in the 2005 exhibition Jaki Irvine: Plans for Forgotten Works.

Previous Research Fellows

Find out more about previous research fellows and their projects.